Wednesday 15 June 2016

What Specs squads do during holidays? #part 2

So,  quite a while since I last had a new post in Specs Squads.  That's because my phone dropped in the floor and I can't edit my comics through it.  Ya,  I edit my comics through my phone.

So,  it's actually already quite late to post this comic,  as the holidays ended 4 days ago. But whatever.
Moo Moo's real name is Kyle actually.  I don't know how the girls came up with the idea for calling him a cow. 

And Ari isn't wearing any specs at all,  but dunno why the girls also want add him into the squad. I'm wanting to leave this squad and join the other Chinese. Sounded so racist.  Whatever. 

Thursday 2 June 2016

#Special Holiday Version: Josh at VH Green Nature park

Well, I visited the VH Green Nature park during the holidays, and there are many things there.

Many "Things"~ "Dirty things"~
Well, it's not yet Halloween yet! No dirty thingies!

And, we have the main entrance. It', and hot, but there are some 秋咪(cute) thingies at there, like hamsters and fishes. I think I saw a suckerfish too.

Well, if you don't  know BM, just ignore it. Also, i found many cute things too.
Also I found an interesting thing too, in Chinese, porcupine is called Hao Zhu, and Zhu means pig...

And Hon's name is Yi Hao.
Get it? Yi "Hao"....

Well, Hon is going to kill me for this. Also at the entrance, there's a Yellow Volkswagen Bettle.
Makes me think of the Karak Highway thing.....

OMG you can talk?! Ya i edited it
That is all now, and something interesting happened.

Emily visit there at the next day after that.

Well, thats my fate...