Tuesday 31 May 2016

What specs squad do during holidays? Part one

Yay!!! Cuti datang lor!!!
What I mean har? It means the holidays are coming!!! Yay!!!

*cricket sound*

Ok...well, maybe this holiday is only for Malaysian students from P1-Sec 6 but anyway, the specs squad done quite much things( I mean the opposite ) even though only two days just passed.
ME: Nooo!!! Time can move faster or not?! I'm dying of boredom!!!
OTHER: You damn shit shut up!

Well, maybe some can relate to that. So, I kinda hate holidays because I can't get to see my friends, but the other squad members are like:" Stop saying the s word(school)!!!"

So, I think they're really stressed out because of school. Did I said stressed out?! Yay Stressed out twenty one pilots!!! Wish we could turn back time...

Well, not funny.

So, let's just read the comic first lah!

Ya, Hon just DISAPPEARED. And Almyra,
Stop video calling me!!!

*Mana tahu lah:Dont know lah!

Friday 27 May 2016

Tapao guy

Well, it was when at the teachers day celebration at our school, students were allowed to visit the other's class. So, I visited the class next door, and there is so much food left. A friend of mine in that class allowed me to "tapao( take away )" some food, and I just took about 5-6 packets of Keropok( Potato chips ). Actually not just that. I also tapao 4 pieces of honeydew, 3 pieces of chicken nuggets and also 2 packets of package drinks. Well, this is going to be the most "don't want face( not feeling embarrassed )" thing I've ever done *Laughing*

P/S: To be honest, my friends tapao even more than me

Why is the another character in green? Well he's a prefect and he needed to wear a green vest.
Some of my loot today

Wednesday 25 May 2016

RM 6.50 Milo peng

This story happened when the specs squad went outing, then we went to a place which sold drinks for a drink. I bought Choco Latte, half ice half sugar(too much sugar is bad for health). It costs me RM 6.50, and Hon's words made me realize that it really tastes like Milo Peng(iced chocolate malt drink) which is only RM 3.00++ normally. Well, I just paid double the price for a Milo Peng(RM 3 BYE BYE~). Friends, when go buy drinks next time, remind me don't buy "RM 6.50" Milo Peng ah!
And below is the drinks which Aby(pearl milk tea), me(Choco Latte) and Hon(What drink is that ah?!)

Lousy Memory

Well, don't know for what reason, my memory is like sh*t, and the story below can totally proved that. That day, I pass my «That Pervert Betrayer» original draft to Aby. Well, I drew us in school uniform, and she told me that actually we're wearing PJK (sports ) shirt that day. Well, that time I found that I really have a poor memorizing system. The Chinese idiom "未老先衰(Get weak even you aren't old yet)" really does suits me.

Monday 23 May 2016

That pervert betrayer

This happened at school, when Aby want me to draw a finger and another finger doing an OK sign. And she just added on Hon and Almyra's name (like in the comic strip) and she just simply said that it's me who did that. Well, now I learned that not every good deed gets a good deed back. Also, I found that some people in my class are very pervert, especially Aby. That's why I terpengaruh(affected) and became a little bit( which I mean very) perverted too. Well, thank you Aby, for polishing my brain with yellow paint.
*pelacur: sex worker(based on Aby's translation)

Stupid pointing

Well, it all started off, when we had a group photo taken to celebrate our "EPIC  FAIL" at Epacse Asia. Don't know why, they have a "C*bai kia(bad word)" sign. And, Moo Moo just pointed it to me. I won't mind it anyway, but I'm posting this just to make it funny.
So, here's the real picture anyway. And, you can also see how me and the other spec squad looked like.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Stupid singer

Well, I forgot for what reasons, I like singing. But, nobody beside me everything liked my singing. Well, as long as I like it myself. For those who always stops me from singing, your singing isn't that good too and f*kiu. By the way, all my favourite songs are always the unpopular ones, like «Want to want me». It's so old already, but never mind, I still like it anyway. And still, those who don't want to hear me singing, shut up and prepare a headphone. This will help.


Well, some times I really regretted telling my secrets to someone else. I will only end up letting everyone knowing it. And this is a real story, when Hon force me to say out my crush or else he'll hit my lanjiao(dick). Hell ya Hon. Well, he apparently let every Chinese in my class knew that. I learned my lesson to not letting anyone know my secrets, especially Hon.
*Kau pulang sekarang: You come back right now