Tuesday 31 May 2016

What specs squad do during holidays? Part one

Yay!!! Cuti datang lor!!!
What I mean har? It means the holidays are coming!!! Yay!!!

*cricket sound*

Ok...well, maybe this holiday is only for Malaysian students from P1-Sec 6 but anyway, the specs squad done quite much things( I mean the opposite ) even though only two days just passed.
ME: Nooo!!! Time can move faster or not?! I'm dying of boredom!!!
OTHER: You damn shit shut up!

Well, maybe some can relate to that. So, I kinda hate holidays because I can't get to see my friends, but the other squad members are like:" Stop saying the s word(school)!!!"

So, I think they're really stressed out because of school. Did I said stressed out?! Yay Stressed out twenty one pilots!!! Wish we could turn back time...

Well, not funny.

So, let's just read the comic first lah!

Ya, Hon just DISAPPEARED. And Almyra,
Stop video calling me!!!

*Mana tahu lah:Dont know lah!

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